Working in Photonics in Berlin 2018


Dear students and postdocs,

save the date – we will hold our annual career event “Working in Photonics in Berlin” soon.

Students will see different options for career paths in optics, while companies and institutes can talk to recent and future graduates in the field of Physics.

When: 13. June 2018, talks are from 15:00 – 17:30, networking session until 19:00

Where: Christian Gerthsen-Hörsaal, Lise-Meitner Haus, Inst. f. Physik, Newtonstr. 15, HU Berlin (Adlershof)

Who can attend: Students (BSc, Master and PhD) as well as postdocs/young professional.

This year, we are happy to be part of the “Perspektive der Physik” lecture series. The event is free, talks will be in English.

Register here for the event.

With this annual event, we want to provide a platform where students and postdocs with an interest in the field of optics and photonics can talk and listen to professionals from photonics industry and research institutes: different speakers present their current work as well as their career paths, providing insights and information on the opportunities on the field of optics.

We have an exciting program with short talks by speakers from companies First Sensor, Corning, Zeiss, Eagleyard, Jenoptik, Springer Nature and Berliner Glas, and from the research institutes HHI, MBI and FBH.


Working in Photonics in Berlin


We are looking forward to seeing you there!

— The Berlin Optik student chapter


Not sure what to expect? You can find pictures and information on last year’s event here: