Impressions from our career event on entrepreneurship in photonics

On October 18th, the Berlin Optik student chapter and OpTecBB hosted a career event on Entrepreneurship in Photonics as part of the Photonic Days Berlin Brandenburg: “Start-Ups: an Alternative Career Path in Photonics”, which you can find on our activity site.

We heard several speakers who founded their own photonics start-ups, what they do and how they got there. Additionally, we got advice related to start-ups, such as legal advice regarding IP or funding opportunities at HU Berlin.

There was plenty of time for questions, and we enjoyed the discussions and ideas that developed.

We thank all speakers as well as our audience for a fruitful event. We hope you enjoyed it, and we are looking forward to future events.


In the meantime, here are some impressions from the event:

Aline opening the event
Monica introducing the Berlin Optik student chapter
Frank talking about entrepreneurship in photonics
u2t Talk
Xploraytion Talk







Sicoya Talk
HU Gründerservice Talk
High-Tech Gründerfonds Talk





Mock Rechtsanwälte Talk


The audience is listening