Our yearly career event allows students and representatives from industry, research institutes and universities to discuss current opportunities for recent graduates in the photonics field. Students will see different options for career paths, while companies and institutes can talk to prospective new employees.
At 2pm all participants are invited to join a guided tour around the Technology Park in Adlershof, where many companies have their offices.
From 3pm onwards the company talks will take place, followed by an informal “Meet-the-Expert” session with time for questions and discussions in smaller groups.
The event “Working in Photonics in Berlin” will happen on June 20th, 2017 in Berlin-Adlershof, at the following address:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Erwin-Schrödinger Zentrum
Rudower Chaussee 26, 12489
Conference room 0’119
Berlin, Germany
Please visit the following link for registration:

Information for students
This event aims to support the career planning of students and young professionals in the field of photonics, by providing a platform for students, companies, universities and research institutes to meet, exchange information and connect.
Talking to professionals with vast experience in the field will allow you to get an insight into different possible working environments. Companies and Institutes likewise have the opportunity to introduce themselves and talk to potential new employees.
It is important to start shaping the future steps in your career early on. Our event provides you the perfect occasion to ask relevant questions about the possibilities available to you, with a special focus in Berlin. This is a great chance for you to start building your network towards a successful career in technology, don’t miss this opportunity!
The event is free.

Information for participants from industry, research institutes and academia
If you would like to see your company or institute represented at this event, please contact us at BerlinOptik@physik.hu-berlin.de. Besides a limited number of slots for short (10 min) presentations, we also provide the opportunity for a networking session, for which you can register.
Please note that we invite Bachelor, Master and PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers in the fields of physics and photonics. Thus, a representative with a physics background would be most appropriate. For the networking session, you can register up to three people, e.g. junior and senior scientific/technical staff plus HR staff.
We are also very keen to see women represented in the field of photonics.
Information for speakers
Thank you for your interest in speaking at this event. Each speaker has a 10 minute slot. All talks should be in English. The talk is aimed at recent and prospective graduates in the field of physics. Your personal career path can be an inspiring example for young scientists – feel free to also include “detours”, happy coincidences, or how you balance work and family.
Sample presentation (5-8 slides in total):
1. Company/institute (e.g. 2 slides)
– working environment
– jobs for physicists in the company/institute
2. About the speaker (e.g. 4 slides)
– career path
– current job description/occupation/tasks/goals
Links to past career events
OSA Blog entry: “Working in Optics” career event 2016
Program (PDF): “Working in Photonics” at the micro photonics congress
Download the flyer here: Working in Photonics in Berlin and Guided Tour – June 20th 2017